Heather Princess

Friday, August 11, 2006

Introducing Anita

Well...It seems as if I've started something!!! You blog about one person and then you get requests from people wanting to be blogged about! So here is a blog about my lovely ex roommate from SFYL...ANITA!

Anita and I had much fun together...lets see...we raided the kitchen at night for leftovers and juice and played skip-bo late into the night...we spent 3 months together on our placement in Sydney when everyone else was in America. I hold many fond memories of those days spent in Sydney (ie breaking the sugar bowl at one of the poshest coffee shops in Sydney (right Emma & Neta?!?!?!?!?!? HILARIOUS), then there was the time that we spent hanging out with all the people from Carnarvon (the house we stayed in while we were in Sydney).

She also had to put up with my talking in my sleep...we spent many mornings at breakfast where she would tell me something that I had said in my sleep the night before! One of my favorite things about Anita is the way that she accepts and loves people. She has a real gift of friendship and she is a good friend to me...I thank God for bringing her into my life!


  • At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i love u too


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