Heather Princess

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Game...

Oh my goodness...The Footy game was so good. Unfortunately the team that we were going for lost...So that part was not very good. I did however learn a lot of the rules and by the end could figure out what was going on without asking Claire!

Claire made sure that my first Footy experience was truly Aussie...so she bought me a meat pie to eat during the game...I did get photos of that...but they are on Claire's camera, so I'll have to post them later!

It was hilarious to hear the songs for each team (you were right Aunt Sandy they do each have a team song). We also had the craziest guy sitting behind us yelling obsenities for the whole game...it made for some amusement.

I could not figure out how to move the pictures down...which is why they are all at the top. Basically the pictures are...2 of the field, 1 of me and my housemate Claire, near the beginning of the game when our team was winning (there are some that I'll post later that we took after the game when our team lost and we were taking ones of us "in despair"...I however, was just not as in despair as Claire because I just took on her team!) And there is also a photo of Claire holding up a GOAL sign that we got at the beginning of the game. You held it up during half time and if the camera zoomed in on you then you won $5000. We didn't win...!


  • At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    See Heather, they've got you going for the wrong team!! Should have gone for the Swans - I had a good day the Footy.


  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger fee said…

    GO THE CROWS. sorry the hawks lost - are they going to be your team now? you know that you have to have a team. miss you round here. by the way - did you hear heather and jono are engaged???


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