Heather Princess

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Banking Issues...

So yesterday I had some banking issues...in that there was no longer any money in my account. TRAUMA. But not to worry. It is fixed now! YIPPEE! It turned out to be an error by the bank. They had accidentally put in the wrong account number. So all my money was gone...but now it's back! Hurrah! I guess that's one way not to spend money on payday!

I felt so helpless because there was pretty much nothing that I could do. But it all worked out will and turned out to be fine! God is good!

Tonight I'm going to watch a movie that one of the teens from Shop 16 (Reservoir Salvos) made about the shop! I'm looking forward to cheering him on and to seeing what he has made! It's in Federation Square which is right in the downtown...should be fun. I'm meeting my friend Merideth to travel there with her! Good times!

That's all for now...that is my update!


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