Heather Princess

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Just a regular day in the life of Heather!

Today was just a regular day! It was good. But I was a bit homesick today. It might be because I talked to a couple of friends and family from home. That can always do it. But it was SOOOOOOOO worth it to talk to them.

I am looking forward to the weekend because I am going up to Healesville Sanctuary (I don't even know if I spelled that right) to see Aussie animals with the Halsey Girls...should be good fun! A little Canadian adventure never hurts!

Tonight I am going over to Cate's sister Merideth's for dinner. That will be nice. I'm so looking forward to it. I think that my other friend Katherine (from yesterday's blog!!!!) will be there too! So that will be fun and exciting! Good times!

Oh...and I had cherries today. Yum!


  • At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What about the poutine we had too?? That was nice. Gee Canada produces some good things!!


  • At 7:25 AM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    Hi Heatherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)
    I agree, gatecrashing Canada could definitely be fun at the moment :)
    Have fun :P



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