Heather Princess

Thursday, July 26, 2007

24/7 Prayer

The Salvation Army Australian Southern Territory has launched a year of 24/7 prayer this week. The launch was really amazing and the chapel at THQ has been set up so beautifully. I've spent a fair bit of time in there praying...and it has been wonderful. God has spoken to me. He has joined me there in that room and it could not have been better.

Tonight is my first 2Love event since I've been on the team. We are hosting a night out at the movies...our advertisements have been "Invitation to Change the World (and see a movie)" I'm really looking forward to it. We have the whole theatre rented out and we get to play Stop the Traffik video's before hand and have a discussion after. We will also be serving coffee (fair trade of course)! I am anticipating a great night of good fun and learning!

Lately I've had a bit of a chance to catch up with Heather Keeler a few times over instant messanger. That has been so great for me and I'm looking forward to seeing her and Jono in October when they come to Melbourne for a visit! So fun!

Also, this weekend I'm going to try to get to a bit of a conference that is put on by UNOH (Urban Neighbours of Hope...look them up at www.unoh.org...they are a pretty sweet organization!) The speakers at this conference are going to be amazing and I'm looking forward to hearing them speak!

That's it for now!


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