Heather Princess

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Weekend Away

Oh my goodness Jordan! I had so much fun in Sydney this weekend that I didn't even want to leave. It was crazytown..in a good way! It was so exciting to see good friends who I'd not seen in ages and to just hang out and have fun together.

Casey's party was a great time! It was so weird walking up to the front door and there was CASEY! It felt like ages since I'd seen her. It was so great! Got to hang out with Sean and Matt and Emma on Saturday and that was just good fun! I laughed and laughed until I thought I was going to vomit!

Matt and Emma also gave me a great compliment this weekend! They told me that I was one of the greatest storytellers ever. That was cool for me! I love telling stories! ...And now I know at least a couple of people like listening to them! How great!

Anyways...the bottom line is...SYDNEY WAS GREAT! FRIENDS ARE GREAT!

I also came to the realization this past 2 weeks or so...that I AM REALLY REALLY REALLY RICH IN FRIENDS! I have amazing friends. Yesterday I got home from work and had a beautiful card in the mail from a good friend. I am constantly getting phone calls and e-mails from good friends, etc., etc. I AM BLESSED!


  • At 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good work Heather Leather - good read!

  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger Sandy said…

    Yum, wish I was there for some of that good Poutine. I haven't had that since the last time Judy Power was here to make it. Sounds like you are seeing the country over there Heather. We are envious but don't envy all the flying time you are logging.
    Aunt Sandt

  • At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey hey heather sounds like u had fun in sydney but u no melbourne is soo much better... havent seen u in a while we should get 2gether and watch more alias... cya soon mel.

  • At 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So glad you had a good time. You're right! It was SO wierd seeing you in the SAME ROOM as all my Sydney friends!!! gah! Anyway, it was so great to see you. Thanks again for coming... it really meant alot. Glad to see you're home safe and happy... talk soon.


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