Heather Princess

Friday, August 10, 2007

Puppy Sitting Tonight!

Tonight I will be puppy sitting. Cate and Micheal got two very adorable puppies whom I will be watching tonight at their house. They are just TOO CUTE! I can't get enough of them. I wish I had photos to put up but I don't! Maybe after tonight!

Tomorrow I am going to Healesvilee Animal sanctuary. Should be good times! I'm SO looking forward to it. Maybe I will get to pet a kangaroo! If I'm lucky.

I also plan to relax a bit tonight and watch some movies or something. it will be a fun night. Today I also got to talk to my dad over e-mail for quite a little while...it was nice. And I chatted to mom on the phone last night...so that was great too!

Today I got to have coffee with Lorelle and her friend Pauline and wee tiny baby Micah...I just wanted to never put him down he was so sweet. I love the smell of new babies...I love how soft their skin is...I love how they are a new miracle from God. I was so blessed to get to hang out with them today!

Oh..and I even got an e-mail from both my sisters today...well 2 e-mails actually..cuz they didn't done together or anything like that! Oh...and I got an e-mail from Erin which was a lovely surprise also! Yippee! That's really about all I have to say right now...

Oh...but if you've not read "Darkest England & The Way Back In" by Gary Bishop...I highly suggest you get on that! It is such an amazing book. Good read. It will change your life.

That's all!


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