Heather Princess

Saturday, August 18, 2007


I'm in Sydney at the Unlimited Conference. It is great...and I've also been able to catch up with friends at the same time. Some people who I've not even seen in 2 years since I finished up at SFYL. So it is really really exciting!

Yesterday I went to a session by Danielle Strickland "Pharisee's Anonymous". It was amazing...she talked about how we don't tend to want to see ourselves as having the most in common in certain stories with the pharisee's and how it often is the pharisee's that we have the most in common with. We split up into small groups and discussed how we are like the pharisee's today in our lives. I had a really great small group...we had amazing discussions and it was a really great mix of people. It was good times.

I was also really challenged by Phil Wall's session. He was talking about picking something you are passionate about and then sticking with that brand...not just jumping from cause to cause...It was awesome...really inspired me!

Today is the last day...I'm really looking forward to hearing some more amazing things...I'm so ready!


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