Heather Princess

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Yesterday I went with some friends to the Melbourne Zoo. It was so amazingly fun! I love the animals. When I was a little girl I wanted to be a lion when I grew up...obviously I'm over that now. But I have to say that I was TOTALLY fascinated by the lions. They were beautiful and majestic. And for a split moment I could see why I wanted to be a lion!

The zoo was fun. Then I went to a tattoo place to look into my tattoo and I made an appointment for next saturday! Hurrah! I'm so excited!

Today I went and helped at the community tea at Box Hill Salvos. It was wonderful. I make a pretty rockin' salad!

That's it for now!


  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger Heather said…

    Your over the lion fetish, hey? Then why the lion costume hidden in the back of your closet??


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