Heather Princess

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Back From Canberra!

Oh my goodness it was so cold in Canberra. I thought I was going to die! It was more because the heating in the houses are not great. Now I have a cold and feel a bit lousy...but I'm getting better today!

I am back in Sydney working at Streetlevel again. It's all going very good. I have to go to a course tonight. That should be lots of fun! Youth Councils was very good. I met a lot of really great youths there. It was good to get a chance to just sit and chat with a few of them.

I also spent a day just sightseeing and stuff with Anita and Judith. It was so much fun! We went up the Telstra Tower which overlooks Canberra. It was not quite as tall as the CN Tower...and not as expensive either! It was great. Canberra looked so pretty with all the leaves changing colour. We also went to the War Memorial which was very interesting. Then we headed up to Cooma for Youth Councils. Our cabin was VERY cold...even worse than Jackson's Point at March Break Camp Time! Oh well...it was super fun and I had a great time.


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