Heather Princess

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I didn't even know I could be Tagged...

Okay...I don't even know what Tagging is...but Esther tagged me so

# of Books I own:

I have so many at home...but here in Australia I have all of 6!

Last Book I Bought:

Turning Your City into A Praying City...don't know who by...it just looked good...Oh and at the same time I bought the Spiritual Journey of U2

Last Book I Read:

Just finished reading Every Young Womans Battle

Books That Mean a Lot to Me:

-I know this much is true, Wally Lamb

I know there are more...but I can't think of them because the pressure is on!

Tag 5 More:

Erin P.
Jenn Power
Sir Matthew The Niave


  • At 9:19 AM, Blogger jenn said…

    tag?? seriously?? but... but... but...




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