Heather Princess

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Busy Day...

Today was such a crazy busy day...but it was good fun also! It was the annual 614 parking lot sale/ Carwash/Video Game Tournament! I spent most of the day in the glorious sun! I was so loving it...just tanning and working at that same time!!! That's my idea of fun!

I showed up to help set up for the sale at 7am...then I worked from then until 10am when I had to take my squad to the park for their final squad party. It was amazing fun...we flew kites, had pizza, ran around, went to Riverdale Zoo, played tag, and much much more! The kids had so much fun and when I was walking one of them home it was so adorable because she told me that she is gonna miss squads SOOOOOOOOO much over the summer! I told her that we will have to hang out during the summer and go to the water park and stuff like that. She seemed really excited by this!

After squads I headed back to the garage sale and stayed there from about 1pm - 5pm...then I hung out with Fiona and had a nice (and easy) dinner of leftovers from our team meal yesterday! After that I went to Kinkos to get some pictures printed off that one of my friends asked me to find for her on the internet...for the prayer room which they are setting up tomorrow after church for the 24/7 prayer week which starts on Monday!

I just got home from that and it is now 11:35pm and I am so tired! I am most definately going to sleep well tonight! The day was totally worth it! And I have a great tan to show for it...some people have been teasing me that it's not that good...but if you compare how pasty I was before with how I am now...it is pretty good! The watch tan is the best place to see it!!!!! If I knew how to do it I would post a photo of my wicked tan!

So now I'm off for a well needed sleep!


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