Heather Princess

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Last Blog of 2005!

I have not posted in so very long! Since I've been home I've been so super busy...with Christmas and all that kind of stuff.

Tonight is our big New Years Eve party at 614 which we have been working all this past week on...it is going to be a great time! I am running the Karaoke...which will be super fun and I can't wait!

Wow...my life really is exciting...but when I got to blog about it I can come up with absolutely NOTHING INTERESTING to blog about...I don't understand!

Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm Home!

Well...I can't believe that 10 months in Australia went by so very fast...and now I am home. I went to church at 614 yesterday for the first time in 10 months. It was really weird because it just felt normal. I was expecting things to feel weird, but rather I felt right at home! It has been so great getting a chance to catch up with people! And...of course getting right back into the swing of things...kettles...etc!

I am so happy to be home. The first time I drove through Regent Park on Wednesday night when I got home it felt so surreal...and then when we went on prayer walk on Friday night, my group walked around the borders of Regent Park. It was the first time since I got back that I'd walked completely around the area! It was so good.

I've had so much coffee while catching up with friends...but I'm okay with that! I've been to Tim Hortons MANY times since I arrived home...beginning with the very night I got in....the first thing I did after Kanga picked me up from the airport was to go to Tim Hortons with some friends! So...all in all it just feels really good to be back home.

I do miss Australia A LOT! And really miss some of the good friends that I've made there...REALLY miss the warmth...as it has snowed everyday since I've been home...except for today actually!

That's it for now!