Heather Princess

Saturday, January 14, 2006

What A Week...

I've had an interesting week...On Tuesday night I fell and tore a ligament in my right ankle...which meant lots of pain...plus I couldn't even drive myself home because I could not use that foot....ACK! Then the following day a broken chair got put back in the office at 614 and I was sitting on it and it collapsed under me...causing me to fall on my already incredibly sore ankle!

So then yesterday I got a car door slammed into my knee...which was already hurting from one of my previous falls....then today at squads one of the kids accidentally poured an entire glass of Lime KoolAid all over my jeans...

Finally after squads my lip was swollen from some sort of allergic reaction...so I'm in great shape...obviously...!

Which really only means that the next week can only get better!

Monday, January 02, 2006

A New Year Has Begun...

So it is now the New Year...and can I just say that Sean and I were the most excellent hosts of karaoke EVER! We were so good! And Sean did the most amazing version of "I Believe In A Thing Called Love." (Almost tops Matty Kean's version!) The New Years Party at 614 was good fun and we managed to have everything run really smoothly the whole night! It was great.

Then on New Years day I went out for brunch with some friends to the Hot House Cafe...It was my first time going there since I got back and it was really good fun.

Okay well that is all I can think of to write...Oh except that I have the week off this week and I am really looking forward to relaxing!