Heather Princess

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Okay...so my titles are getting worse and worse...and I'm starting to realize that I really have nothing too interesting to blog about! But I am going to continue to bore anyone who is willing to keep reading with my mundane stories of life and all that stuff...

So last week was an interesting week. Mom and Dad did arrive safely in Sydney on Friday though! So I get to the college to see them and guess what?!? THEY ARE NOT THERE! That's right. NOT THERE! So they didn't know I was coming as early as I did and they went downtown to look around and stuff.

I suppose some of it is my fault considering I did not tell them that I was able to come earlier now...but I thought that since it was their first day there they would be tired and just stay home...shows how wrong I can be! But I did catch up with them at about 9:45 (which I learned yesterday would be 2145!!! How smart am I?!?!?...sorry but I've always had a really hard time with 24hour time!) Anyways....saw Mom and Dad and it was good. Spent Saturday with them which was fun...Now I am back at the school and we are heading out to Gosford Corps tonight...really soon actually!

So...that's about it!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Less than 3 weeks...

'til I graduate from S.F.Y.L. I can hardly believe that the year has gone by so fast. I don't even know what I am going to be doing when I am done at the school. Well...I do know that I'll be going back to 614 and back to Regent Park, but the rest of my life is sortof up in the air...

I will have to start job-searching when I get home...which will be good. I'm sure that God has something in store for me even though I don't know what yet! This 9 months in Australia has gone by so quickly and contemplating and looking back over the past 9 months there are things that I wish I had done and things that I wish I hadn't done...but all in all it was a year of growth and learning. And without the year having gone as it went I would not have really learned much.

I am excited because my parents arrive in Australia on Friday and they will be here for Graduation! That will be great to have my family here to support me. I am ready to graduate! I have loved every minute of it here (okay so that's a bit of an exaggeration!!!!!) but I am ready to move on and see friends and family that I've missed so very much!

It is also going to be really sad to leave some of the friends that I've made here. It is going to be so weird going back home and having these friends in Australia that I will miss so much...so I'm going to have to come back and visit as often as I can!

Most of all...this year has been amazing and I would not change anything about it because even the things that were hard were the things that really helped me to grow and to develop my character!

That's it...no more today!

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Yeah....so since I last blogged this morning...I have made it to Cold Rock and had my Ice Cream! It was fantastic and it was so sunny and nice out!

That's it...that's all!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Cold Rock!!!

Okay...so as per usual things are pretty much the same around here! I have started to feel a bit homesick lately...pretty much ready to head home!

The only thing today is that I just really really really want some Cold Rock ice cream! But alas it is so far away and I don't have a car...which again just makes me miss mine (smurfette...a lovely and reliable car!) So...now my goal for today is to find someone who would love to drive me on an adventure to get some cold rock...or lend me their car! So I am about to go and make the my mission of the day!

This is all for one scoop of white chocolate Ice Cream with raspberries in it! But it does really seem like a worthy cause to me!

So...my mission begins....

Monday, October 17, 2005

NEW UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay...so that looks MUCH more exciting than it is really going to be! The weekend outreach went well. Doing the odd jobs around people's houses was quite fun. I went with my friend Myrtle the whole time and we had a great time. The saturday outreach went well...I thought it did anyways!

Not much else new happening in the life of Heather...I seem to be in a bit of a rut at the moment...hopefully that ends soon! Can't wait to head to Melbourne on the 15th to see Catie! I am truly really looking forward to it. The saddest part is that I will be leaving Australia and that means it will be quite a while before I see my good friend Cate again. I have been blessed to have seen her many times while I was here in Australia! I'll have to talk her into visiting me in Toronto...I am trying to talk MANY people into that! (If you are reading this and want to come visit me in T.O....I will have plenty of space I'm sure when I find somewhere to live!!!!!!)

Had a good day today...I was in a FANTASTIC mood all day...don't really know why! But it was good. Talked to my friend Denise on the phone today which really made my day to get a chance to catch up with her and see how everything is going for her.

This is a very random stream of conscious (that does not look like it is spelled right...) kind of blog...so since I really have nothing else to say...I'll write more when I come up with something interesting to put down!

BORING...I am so BORING! OH...I know ...my classmates and I went Ice Skating yesterday...it was sooooooo much fun. I would try to post pictures but I'm really not sure how to do that (SO COMPUTER ILLITERATE ...it's not even funny!)

Okay...that's it for now!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I HATE BEING SICK...and the internet

Yeah...so I just wrote this massively huge blog...and the internet crashed and I lost it...so that is why the tag on at the end of my title.

So I have been sick for the last few days. I got a stomach bug of some sort on Monday morning and now today I am starting to feel a bit better. I've been doing the whole living off crackers and gingerale thing. I really hate being sick! It is just such an icky feeling. It really sucked because Kevin Metcalf came up to teach us and I missed most of his classes because I was so sick. I was really looking forward to his teaching.

Tommorrow we head out to a place called Long Jetty to do outreach. For all you canadians reading a Jetty is like a dock. So basically the name of the town is Long Dock...anyways...maybe not...cuz that just sounds stupid! We will be doing a prayer walk tommorrow and then we will be going door to door and asking people if they have any odd jobs they want done the next day...ie-mowing lawns, doing dishes, sweeping, etc. Then on Thursday we spend the day doing those odd jobs, then we go out to dinner with some people from the church...I think. Then on Saturday we spend the day at a place called the entrance giving hand massages and making balloon animals for people...probably inviting them to church too I'm sure. Then we are doing the meeting at Long Jetty Community Church on Sunday and I am giving my testimony...so that should be fun and exciting.

So I am looking forward to a fun weekend.

This past weekend I went into Sydney and it was a lot of fun! I should go into the city more often! I visited Jo who I met at Streetlevel over my 3 month placement, she recently had surgery and I wanted to go and see how she was doing. Her daughter Emma (who's blog you can access from the sidebar) is a friend I made during the 3 months also...so I got to spend time with her also! It was a lot of fun! Then in the evening we went to the Junior Music Camp concert...which was really very fun!
Ally and I sat at the very back by ourselves because we came late due to the fact that we went for coffee first. Mmmmmm...coffee!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This Past Weekend...

was amazing! We had a youth leaders conference type thing at the school...so we had lots of guest visting our campus! It was a lot of fun! The guest for the weekend was Russell Rook who I've heard speak a few times at SARoots. I find him very enjoyable to listen to and he has a lot of wisdom!

It was great just to get a chance to hear about what is going on for youth at corps all around the Sydney area. It was a time to just share with each other about experiences and learn from the other youth leaders. It was really great! I learned some great stuff that will be useful in my ministry.

Since Monday we've been doing classes on the Father Heart of God. An officer named Andrew is teaching us and he is a great teacher. It's been really great to really look deep at the charictaristics of God and how I relate to each characteristics...like which ones mean the most to me and such. Today I looked up Isaiah 6:1 which says : "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple." I was so overtaken with the fact that one of God's characteristics is that he is so holy...in fact he's so holy that just that little bit of him (the train of his robe) fills the entire temple...which just makes me see how hugely holy he really is. Anyway hope that makes sense!

Should go do some work now!