Heather Princess

Sunday, August 27, 2006

It's been awhile...

Wow...I can't believe that it's been so long since I last posted...I'm such a slacker. It's actually been pretty busy lately and I've not had that much access to a computer. I was house-sitting my pastors house for the week...and I guess also looking after their 17 year old niece...although not really cuz she can look after herself...just staying in the house with her.

The house I might add is home to many interesting pets...There is a hamster (pretty normal!), a snake, 3 lizards & a tarantula...so it has been interesting. On Thursday I had to go and buy some more crickets and worms for them to eat...when I got to the pet store I told the guy that I needed some crickets & worms...and he said "lets start with the crickets...what size do you need?"

WHAT THE ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? There are different SIZES...I don't know! Anyways so he thought he could help me figure out the number of bugs to buy if I told him what kind of lizards, and tarantula they were...I just looked at him and asked "Do I look like I would know what kind of things they were?" And his response was "mmmmm...no"

Anyways we eventually figured it out and he sold me the bugs and I was on my way...the next feat was to get the bugs out of the bags and into the containers that they are stored in...Now the worms were easy...they don't JUMP. But the crickets...now that's another story. But I am proud to say that I only managed to let one little cricket escape...although I did sleep a little more restlessly wondering if or when it would crawl...or should I say hop...into bed with me.!

The week of housesitting was really nice...I have to say that my favorite thing was looking through their vast number of books to read and trying to choose what I would read. I managed to finish 3 books while they were away and am hoping to be able to borrow some others!

That's about it for now!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Our God Is A Great Big God...

and He holds us in His hands.

This is such a simple kids chorus that we sing with our kids in our squads at 614...but I found myself having to keep reminding ME of that fact over and over and over again this past weekend. It was just one of those weekends where nothing seems to be going right. I was sad, frustrated, angry...and I just kept needing to remind myself that God is bigger than anything going on in my life right now.

This past thursday at Bible Study we were talking about communicating with God...and I found that it was the perfect thing that I needed at this time. I really had to just keep listening for God's word in all that has been happening in my life. Some really big changes...and no matter how good changes are they are always a struggle. I just have to remember to keep my heart in tune with God's and things will go exactly as He has planned!

"And He knows me and He's loved me since before the world began!" These simple lyrics to the song are a simple reminder to me that God is with me...I just have to keep remembering to listen for what He is telling me...and then OBEY no matter what!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Introducing Anita

Well...It seems as if I've started something!!! You blog about one person and then you get requests from people wanting to be blogged about! So here is a blog about my lovely ex roommate from SFYL...ANITA!

Anita and I had much fun together...lets see...we raided the kitchen at night for leftovers and juice and played skip-bo late into the night...we spent 3 months together on our placement in Sydney when everyone else was in America. I hold many fond memories of those days spent in Sydney (ie breaking the sugar bowl at one of the poshest coffee shops in Sydney (right Emma & Neta?!?!?!?!?!? HILARIOUS), then there was the time that we spent hanging out with all the people from Carnarvon (the house we stayed in while we were in Sydney).

She also had to put up with my talking in my sleep...we spent many mornings at breakfast where she would tell me something that I had said in my sleep the night before! One of my favorite things about Anita is the way that she accepts and loves people. She has a real gift of friendship and she is a good friend to me...I thank God for bringing her into my life!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Test Driving Cars

Okay...So yesterday I went looking for a new car for my friend Kim (with Kim of course) and we test drove the sweetest car. It was a Hyundi Tuscon...and it was so nice...now I want a new car...but of course we know THAT's not bound to happen very soon!!!

I do love smurfette (my car-pictured on the left) very much and would miss her greatly if I had another one...which I suppose is inevitable at some point...and I did eventually get over the death of Betsy my last car...although sometimes I REALLY REALLY REALLY miss some of her features that my new car does not have!

Random blog...but Oh well...I was really thinking about this dilemma!