Heather Princess

Monday, June 27, 2005


I can't get over how busy this last weekend was. But it also brought with it a whole lot of fun! I am in the middle of an "Inner City Welfare" Course and in the midst of it I am not only learning heaps of really relevant and important stuff...but am also making some new friends in the process. So therefore as busy as I was I really can not complain!

I also started another course on Sunday Night that runs for 6 weeks. This one is a course on Holiness/Incarnational Mission and Prayer...so it will be really great I had a great time at my first part of the course. It was phenomenal.

Well...now I should go and work for a bit in the Cafe and do what I am here to do...then I have my course tonight and then I go out on the Internet Van for a bit...so it should be a really interesting evening.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Back From Canberra!

Oh my goodness it was so cold in Canberra. I thought I was going to die! It was more because the heating in the houses are not great. Now I have a cold and feel a bit lousy...but I'm getting better today!

I am back in Sydney working at Streetlevel again. It's all going very good. I have to go to a course tonight. That should be lots of fun! Youth Councils was very good. I met a lot of really great youths there. It was good to get a chance to just sit and chat with a few of them.

I also spent a day just sightseeing and stuff with Anita and Judith. It was so much fun! We went up the Telstra Tower which overlooks Canberra. It was not quite as tall as the CN Tower...and not as expensive either! It was great. Canberra looked so pretty with all the leaves changing colour. We also went to the War Memorial which was very interesting. Then we headed up to Cooma for Youth Councils. Our cabin was VERY cold...even worse than Jackson's Point at March Break Camp Time! Oh well...it was super fun and I had a great time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Going To Youth Councils

Well... I am off to Youth Councils for the Weekend in Canberra. Not really sure yet what we will be doing there but I'm sure it will be great to see the Capital City of Australia...although I'm not really big on that sort of stuff. But it will be fun

I just came to the Training College and went out to lunch with Emma. It was fun. Anita, Emma and I had tea at Emma's house this morning which was fantastic...I think that Emma knows more about tea than anyone I've ever met!

I will write more after Canberra and let everyone know how it went!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I didn't even know I could be Tagged...

Okay...I don't even know what Tagging is...but Esther tagged me so

# of Books I own:

I have so many at home...but here in Australia I have all of 6!

Last Book I Bought:

Turning Your City into A Praying City...don't know who by...it just looked good...Oh and at the same time I bought the Spiritual Journey of U2

Last Book I Read:

Just finished reading Every Young Womans Battle

Books That Mean a Lot to Me:

-I know this much is true, Wally Lamb

I know there are more...but I can't think of them because the pressure is on!

Tag 5 More:

Erin P.
Jenn Power
Sir Matthew The Niave

Sunday, June 05, 2005

At Streetlevel

Well...I am now at my 3 month placement at Streetlevel Corps in Sydney. It's right in the heart of the city. I am loving it so far! I got here on Friday and went to church Friday night...that's when they have their services. Then on Saturday night there was a birthday party for one of the girls at the house that we are staying at...so Anita and I got to go and help with that and then just hang out and meet all sorts of people. It was so much fun!

Then Yesterday on Sunday we went to Church at the Salvation Army Ryde Community Church in Sydney. That is where we will be going to church on Sundays so it was nice to go and see where we would be worshipping each Sunday. The service was amazing and really uplifting. It was tons of fun!

Now today we are down at Streetlevel meeting with Robbyn who is the officer here. She is figuring out what our schedule will be for when we are here. She wants me to lead a prayer time one night...so I have to start planning for that and then we will advertise for it. It sounds like we will be super busy...but having a lot of fun at the sametime.

The house where Anita and I are staying is very nice. We each have our own room and when you go up into the top level of the house you can see Sydney Harbour. We can also walk to the Harbour Bridge in 10 minutes! So that will be tons of fun!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Leaving For Sydney Tomorrow!

I am leaving to go to my 3 month placement in Sydney tomorrow...it's only about an hour and a half from the school, but it is exciting because I will be living in Sydney! My roommate Anita is also going to Sydney...but we don't have to share a room for 3 months so that is great! I get my own room again!!!! We are staying at a house that is a 10 minute walk from the Sydney Harbour Bridge. That is really cool because we can go and walk over the bridge and go see the Opera House and stuff like that.

I will also be having visitors this summer because Denise and Cate will be driving down to visit me and staying at the house with me...and my Mom, Jenn and Angie will be flying down and staying at the Training College! Yeah! So I am looking forward to some little bits of home!

Have to go because we are all going over to Gary and Judith's (the Director of the school and his wife) for dinner! I just made a thai salad for the dinner that Lorelle taught me how to make. I am learning how to cook different stuff from Lorelle and she's a fantastic cook!